PC-Joker 09/1997
Scan & Edit by LTC
Autor: LTC2. 6743 Gelesen
Spiel |
Wertung |
Spiel |
Wertung |
Spiel |
Wertung |
688 Hunter/Killer |
74% |
Hardcore 4x4 |
55% |
Starship Titanic |
Preview |
Age of Empires |
Preview |
Litte Big Adventures 2 |
83% |
The Space Bar |
65% |
Alexander der Große |
65% |
Lords of Magic |
Preview |
Voodoo Kid |
78% |
Anstoß 2 |
87% |
Machine Hunter |
60% |
War Gods |
68% |
Ark of Time |
64% |
Meat Puppet |
53% |
We are Angels |
18% |
Balde Runner |
Preview |
Monster Strucks |
67% |
Wing Commander V: Prophecy |
Preview |
Betrayal in Antara |
70% |
No Respect |
55% |
Worldwide Soccer |
85% |
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain |
Preview |
Outpost 2 |
Preview |
Carmageddon |
82% |
Pandemonium 2 |
Preview |
Che en Bolivia |
35% |
Pete Sampras Tennis 97 |
77% |
Club Manager 97/98 |
58% |
Power Rangers Zeo |
21% |
Electronic Entertainment Expo |
Seite 20 |
Pro Pinball Timeshock |
78% |
F-15 |
Preview |
Puzzle Bobble |
56% |
F-16 Fighting Falcon |
74% |
Seafight |
52% |
Galapagos |
Preview |
Sim City 3000 |
Preview |
Scan & EDIT by LTC
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